Cienega Instrumental Music Program


Why Cienega Instrumental Music?

Cienega High School Policy Statement

Cienega High School builds a foundation for our students to excel in life through Connections, High Standards & Success, by providing students with college and career readiness using a wide-range of educational and cultural experiences.  These opportunities foster an environment that produces successful and well-rounded high school graduates.

Why Music?

Music is often compared to language and persuasive speech in its powerful ability to emote, express, and entertain.  Such a comparison only scratches the surface of our comprehension of this great art form. By investing in music education, we accept the fruitful responsibility of engaging with one of the highest art forms of society. It’s residual effects are substantial, leaving our students with a wealth of knowledge, skills, and experiences that manifest themselves in any field of study or career/life path.


Fundamentally, music education begins with identity. Cultures are informed by musical practices which are ultimately diffused to the individual. Music offers the unique opportunity for students to develop their concept of identity through artistic expression within the context of their personal community as well as the global community. For this reason, the music classroom should strongly reflect the community in which it exists while offering additional exposure to cultures that are unfamiliar. As a result, students gain appreciation for canonical practices of music while acknowledging their autonomy to advance musical practice for future generations.