Booster Update 10/21-10/26

Thank you to everyone who volunteered last week - it was a busy one for sure!  The ensemble concerts were fantastic, we found out that you need 2 cars and a lot of plates to serve 80 pizzas, the rain for FNL meant Hot Chocolate sold out by halftime, and the Marching Band started strong at their first AzMBA competition of the season bringing home 2nd in Division and the Music Caption.


10/25 Football/Homecoming

Mother nature sure has been strange so snowcones vs. hot chocolate will be a game-day decision.


10/26 Ironwood Ridge Competition 

The Band is looking amazing and ready to take on 8 other schools in DIV III

Ironwood Ridge


I know my car is a mess after the rain this weekend - with all the other things going on this time of year save yourself one more thing on your to do list and help the band by purchasing your carwash now!

Carwash Fundraiser


11/1 - Friday Night Lights/Senior Night

We ask for extra help from our underclassmen parents on this night - we give the Senior parents a well-deserved night off to enjoy their last FNL with their musician.

Senior Night

11/2 - UA Band Day

This is one of the best competitions of the season and you also have the chance to see the Pride of Arizona (featuring many of our student staff and alumni) perform their show - this year it is music from Michael Jackson and it is fantastic!

UA Band Day

11/9 - AzMBA State Marching Championships!

Here we are - the last competition of the season already!!  This is held at Hamilton High School in Phoenix.

State Championship