Director’s Update: BOA WEEK

The week is finally here! Our first marching band show of the season! BOA WEEK! This is a busy, chaotic, stressful one so please be patient with directors, staff, and boosters when it comes to communicating this week and read thoroughly/encourage your student to do the same:

Monday- 0 hour; no evening rehearsal due to choir concert

  • Finish backdrop assembly after school; help is welcome!

Tuesday- 0 hour; 6-9 pm rehearsal

  • We need students to arrive by 5:00 pm so we can fit for fedoras and costumes.
  • Performance run-through w/ parent help will start at 8:15 pm. All volunteers should be on the track by 8:05 for instructions.
  • Parents, family, and friends are welcome and encouraged to come watch the run-throughs and supports the band Tuesday night!
  • All behavior contracts for the BOA trip are due back by this day! Your child will not travel without this form signed and delivered.

Wednesday- 0 hour rehearsal

  • open band room for needed sectionals or individual practice time

Thursday- 0 hour rehearsal; 4-6 sectionals

  • Plan to be dismissed at 6:30 this night so we can discuss itinerary and show day procedures

Friday- After-school meeting to load trailer, box truck, and pre-pack for BOA. We are not performing at the game. All students need to go home and rest!

  • After school meeting is required for students. Parent help is appreciated

Saturday- BOA!

  • Call time is 5:00 am sharp, band room will open at 4:45 am.
  • Bus departs at 5:30 am (at the latest- goal is to leave by 5:15 am)
  • Please follow the itinerary brought home by your child. Student cellphone time will be limited once we arrive in Las Cruces so please plan to check our social media and website for any itinerary updates.

If you want to attend Bands of America, but haven't gotten your tickets yet, here is the link:

Can't make it, but still want to watch? Live stream our preliminary performance here (note New Mexico is 1 hour ahead of Arizona time):


Let's make this show a great one!