Director’s Update: Oct. 14-19, 2024
... and just like that Bandtober is here! This is the first of 4 very busy weeks. Please read thoroughly, read the Boosters' update, and encourage your child to take care of themselves over the next several weeks by getting good sleep, eating healthy and hydrating, and staying on top of their academic responsibilities.
- 0 hour rehearsal on field
- 6-9 pm rehearsal on field
- Crucial for Saturday preparation
Tuesday/Concert Day!
- 0 hour rehearsal on field
- Symphonic Band will meet during power-up for one final run-through with percussion.
- Concert for all 4 ensembles
- Call time is 5:30 pm for all ensembles
- Attire: Concert Black (student responsibility, they have known about this since the beginning of the year)
- 0 hour rehearsal inside
- will go over MS Band Night stand tunes
- 0 hour rehearsal on field (crucial for Saturday's success)
- Sectionals 4-6 pm (also crucial)
- Call time for high schoolers is right after school. It's going to be a busy night and we'll need everyone to help make it a great experience for the middle schoolers!
- We will perform our show at halftime
Saturday/Show Day!
- Pinnacle High School Show (AzMBA)
- See update titled Pinnacle Show Itinerary for the exact schedule for the day.
- Students will only be released to ride home with parents after awards unless otherwise approved by the band director. Anytime you check your child out after a performance or on a trip: You must meet us at the bus (we will not dismiss a child from a stadium or other venue) and we must physically see you before we will release your child. This is a safety measure that we will not make exceptions for.
Upcoming Show Dates:
10/26- Ironwood Ridge
11/2- University of Arizona Band Day
11/9- AzMBA Class AAA State Championships
As a reminder: All performances (competitions and football games included) are required events. We will not excuse an absence for these events barring a major family or medical emergency. These performances are the entire reason your child is a part of the marching band and are all major assessments in the marching band grade book. Any questions or concerns regarding this should be sent to