A page devoted to just sign-ups

We need help with the following events!

Help support our student musicians by volunteering or donating snacks. Please click on the date you may be able to assist with and find our sign-up links for each event. 

Your help is greatly appreciated!

Click on the the event to be taken to the page with all links, call times etc for each opportunity to support. 

These links can also be found on our Calendar page in each event. 

Equipment Run Through

Parent Equipment Volunteers - run through on/off the field

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MB BOA Las Cruces, NM

First competition of the season! Departure will be EARLY SATURDAY morning from Cienega - return will be LATE Sat night to wee hours of the morning Sunday based on performace…

Find out more

We need help hauling the trailer!

We are looking for a seasoned individual who can haul the trailer for us. We have a form with some of the details about the trailers and minimum needs. Thank you!

Volunteer Required form

Vail School District requires you fill in their form every year as a volunteer. Please do so as soon as possible. It can take up to a week to get them approved. Thank you!

Are you a band director?

Questions? Please contact Mr. Bailey directly and we'll make sure you get the information.