Welcome back 20-21 Info & Forms
Hello Parents, Band, and Orchestra students,
Welcome back to school! The 20-21 school year is going to be very different than what we normally expect from our Instrumental Program.
We normally collect the Student/Parent Information Form and the Medical Form at Camps. Since the Camps were suspended, we ask that you download these forms (BELOW), fill them out, and turned them in with Mr. Knox during the time indicated below. We will have paper copies available in the Band Room as well. This is a great opportunity to stop by and say hello to Mr. Knox before classes start!
Mr. Knox will be available in the Band Room Monday, July 27th through Friday, July 31st from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
Cienega is currently suspending all lab fees and activity fees until we can resume school in person. Those fees will be reassess and prorated for the current conditions.
Cienega Instrumental Music Program (CIMP) Boosters is also SUSPENDING collection of the Marching Band Fee and the Uniform Fee. Until we have definitive answers that there will be or will not be football, basketball, Symphonic/Concert/Orchestra Festivals, we can reassessed and collect fees at a later date. The fee for Marching Band will be prorated at $50. If students will be wearing uniform, then the Uniform Fee will still be $30 for Symphonic/Orchestra students.
If you have any questions, please email us at chsvbb@gmail.com.
I am also available to answer questions. Kiki Ngo 520-404-5639 or dkngo@cox.net.
Thank you,
CIMP Boosters
Below are the forms for needed registration.
Amazon Smiles & Fry's Information