Director’s Notes: September 18-23, 2023


This is a big week in our marching band season and there are going to be plenty of opportunities to help. Please see the Boosters' update for more information on that. Here's our weekly breakdown:

Monday- 0 hour rehearsal, but no evening rehearsal; students encouraged to attend choir concert.

Tuesday- 0 hour & evening rehearsal as previously announced. Evening rehearsal runs 6-9 pm.

Wednesday- 0 hour rehearsal; open band room after school until 5:30 pm for voluntary sectionals and individual practice time

Thursday- Home game vs. McClintock! Call time: 5:30 pm

Friday- no events; rest before show day.

Saturday- SHOW DAY #1!!! 

Rehearsal on Saturday is scheduled for 8 am-12 pm, however we will dismiss as early as 11:30 if all goes as planned.

2:45 pm- students return to band room

  • load trailer
  • uniforms

3:30 pm- depart for Mountain View HS

4:30 pm- Arrive/Unload/Dress

5:15 pm- Warm-up

6:06 pm- Show time!

9:00 pm- approximate. time of awards

9:30 pm- approximate time to load bus to return to CHS

Sunday- Fall break starts!