Walden Grove & Mountain View – Nov 4 weekend items +more
Below you will find itineraries for this upcoming weekend and a few things to note.
We are currently out of budget for funds for feeding students due to travel. Your volunteers have been giving of their time and now their funds and their kitchens as they pull together an effort to feed students for away games. Please consider visiting one of the sign-up links and picking a food item to donate or help out the efforts. It could be rolls. It could be a gift card. Every bit helps in making sure the students have the energy to perform at their best.
Thank a volunteer if you get the opportunity. We appreciate them. They are absolutely going the extra mile for our program and your musician!
We need help for these items – Can you support the students?
This Friday away game to Mountain View we need your help with some food supplies and volunteering so we can travel confidently. Thank you to those who have already signed up.
We really need help with snocone (or hot chocolate) and concessions on senior night (11/10).
Many of our volunteers are senior parents – Please consider assisting with concessions or hot cocoa so they can spend time with their student musicians.
We also need help for the state championship in Buckeye.
We can use the help with feeding students for this Mountain View itinerary. Sign-ups above